"Letting Go" by Todd Clevenger with S.A. Kent ©2012
"Letting Go" is an active biography telling the story of Barnabas Charities Executive Director Todd Clevenger's life journey from starting businesses and growing success in the private sector into
the spiritual transformation of jumping into the unknown of living by Faith and following God into the mission field.
Learn about Todd's journey, relate to his fears of giving up the familiar and comfortable
certainties and taking risks for God's Kingdom.
All book proceeds go to further the mission of Barnabas Charities, it's current and future projects.
Contact Us if you would like to schedule a speaking event with Todd.
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The need for your support is massive! Barnabas gives you the opportunity to GO MAD (Go Make a Difference) by connecting you with projects that you can support as an individual or by creating a group that will make a difference collectively. You can choose a specific project or have our team designate your support to the most critical need.
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Great hearts + faith = ACTION! Many people have the desire to reach out beyond their normal ‘world’ to be a part of change, but don’t know where to start or if their contribution will make a difference. Having targeted projects allows you to know where your money is being utilized – it’s empowering to know you are a part of real change.
"There is no better exercise for your heart, than reaching down and helping to lift someone up"
- Bernard Meltzer
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